Mobile Home Park in Warren, Ohio
73 lots
7 owner occupied
2 under contract
16 additional empty homes (rehab/rent/sale)
Well water and city sewer
Motivated seller will sell park with all park owned homes for $120,000 Cash
You can begin making money on day1
Owner negotiated lower property tax with Trumbull County. Was $10K per year Now $3600K per year
Rehad existing homes & save thousands in placement fees since all existing homes are Grandfathered.
Yes, park needs TLC. If you are handy and hire a few workers you can revitalize the park and rehab existing mobiles to sell or lease. Making you a lot money now! It is all in the numbers.
Owner is main caregiver for his terminally ill wife and can no longer travel the 4 hours to park from Southern Ohio. We have great manager that will stay on if needed.
Priced to sell! $120,000 Firm Cash Offer.
Will consider $60K down and balance paid at $500 month w/No Interest.
We can carry contract for balance!
937-763-5975 Ron Mon-Sat After 12 noon