Mountain Estates Manufactured Housing
Community is located in town of Napanoch
located in Ulster County, New York. Mountain
Estates sits on 59.10(+-) acres and has 48 sites.
Mountain Estates is a well
maintained all age manufactured housing
community. The roads are all paved and are in
good condition. The park utilizes city water
which is sub-metered back to the tenants.
Mountain Estates has an on-site laundry mat
which occupies the maintenance/office building.
There is no park owned homes in the
Mountain Estates has tremendous expansion potential making this an excellent long-term
investment for an astute operator. The expansion potential would be in two phases. The first phase
would add 19 sites. This phase already has town and county approvals with site plan, retention
pond and the basic road cut. New owner just needs to pull permits, add pads and tap into the
infrastructure that is already in place. (Current owner could be contracted to finish the phase). The
second phase would utilize the balance of the vacant property and could accommodate around
40(+-) sites under current zoning.