Parkview Court, New Hampton, IA $235,000.00
15 units, 1 vacant with 2-1br cabins which are rented out. 3 park owned homes rented out, when the park was purchased 7 years ago there were 12 park owned mobiles, as the tenants moved out the homes were sold. The 3 current park-owned mobiles have the original residents from 7.5 years ago when the park was purchased and are terrific tenants. Lot rents $160, 4 garages $40 each, cabins $400 and $450, 2 mobile rentals $400 and $425.
Owner pays garbage and water/sewer, the park is paved. The bills show up on the P&L. Tenants pay gas and electric, the manager pays $189 rent and owner covers the gas bill. The city has agreed that each unit can be metered for water and sewer, this would save approximately $4800 per year and would result in a quick pay back. Has been a very good park with great small town residents.