2 VAC Lots
3 Tenant Owned MH's - 1 tenant owned RV
12 Current Lease to Owns
26 Park Owned MH’s
I am looking to sell a MHP located in Tallahassee Fl. It is close to FSU and in a very convenient location to many stores and restaurants. Most park owned homes are SW 2 bed/1 bath units. Age of units range from 1960’s to 1990’s. Several have under gone a lot of updates in the last few months. Most current lease to own unit contracts is contracted until 2023-2024. Many long term tenants in the park that have been there 10 yrs or longer and do not plan on leaving.
The park is made up of 4 parcels over 9.9 acres. Park is on city water and septic. Most all units have their own septic, only a few shares a septic.
Owner pays-
Water- $750-$1000 mo
Garbage (2 dumpsters)- $689.34 mo
Grounds upkeep- $800.00 mo in summer
Prop taxes - $583.58 mo
Liability Ins $ 3,475.00 yearly
Rent amounts range from $500-$750 a month to include units under lease to own contract. Lot rent only currently at $300-$350 a month. Background checks are run on all individuals at the time of application.
When park is full, income is approx. $23k a month not including income the 2 vacant lots would bring. An upside is bringing the month to month rents in the $500 a month range up, as well as adding units TO or PO to the 2 vac lots and raising lot rent amounts. Several units are below market rent and have not been raised.
By appt only...please do not disturb or speak to tenants as I do not want them disturbed.
Thank You