Timberline Estates consists of three properties, Timberline Estates, Echo Valley 1, Echo Valley 2 and must be sold together. Timberline Estates has a total of 205 sites with 108 occupied. Echo Valley 1 has a total of 30 sites with 6 occupied. Echo Valley 2 has a total of 41 sites and 17 occupied. The average site rent at Timberline Estates is $223.00/month. Echo Valley 1 average site rent is $212.00/month. Echo Valley 2 average site rent is $215.00/month. There are 31 park owned homes included in the sale price. There is one well, one water plant/distribution center for all three parks. Each park has its own lagoon wastewater system. Water and Sewer is sub metered and individually billed to each resident. There are three offsite water customers. All parks have asphalt roads.