Own an income producer in beautiful Port Aransas, Texas! Gulf Breeze RV has 22 active spaces but is licensed for 23. Of the 22, 7 are occupied with park owned models ranging from 1 bedroom RV's to 2 bedroom mobile homes. In addition, there is a 3 year old metal skin pole barn with concrete foundation, a 3 bedroom double wide mobile home for owner/managers or additional rental income, and a small laundry room. Of the 7 park owned models, 5 are short term rentals. Average space rent is 300/mo. Average monthly rental income on park owned models is 650/mo and average short term income (during spring/summer) per rental is $1800/mo! It is not difficult to see that this property is extremely underutilized! Land is approx. 1 acre and is situated 4 blocks from the Gulf of Mexico. Centrally located between beach and town in a very quiet neighborhood. Park stays occupied 90 to 100% Also, park is zoned R2 and has large water cap which will allow new owner to eventually develop into townhouses or other domiciled income producer. What really sets Gulf Breeze apart from other rv and mobile home parks in town are the people who live and work here. It has been a long and ongoing process but our client list is made up of professionals as well as retirees and everyone gets along wonderfully. There are no party animals nor is there 2am traffic. Everyone pays the rent on time and keeps their yards neat and free of clutter. Gulf Breeze RV is truly a special place.