Located in the heart of Montezuma in central Ga. 30 minutes off 75S just below Macon. 31 lots on city water and city sewer. Everything is billed to the tenant from the city. Presently there are 23 tenants with 22 TOH. Lot rents are far below national average, $50. This is why there is no real income. There is HUGE upside to this deal by bringing in new homes and bring up the lot rents to national average over a two year period. This is area is in need of new homes for families making under $25,000.
This park, has all the value added components needed to increase the value of your money. Let us show you exactly how to do this by adding new homes, increasing lot rents, selling homes back, increasing curb appeal. and much much more !!! Yes you are buying upside, however with vision you commitment you can create north of a million dollar park in no time. We implement this same plan everywhere we go on much larger scale and it works. Call me with questions at 770.722.4239, Paul
Click here for more information: (NO OWNER FINANCING)